The Bean Vandal!

What authorities are saying

Last Thursday night, Brodie Granville, a local resident, came home to find a tower of bean cans on his front porch.
He found this unusual, but did not report it to the authorities. He claims that he thought someone mailed beans to
the wrong address. He picked up the beans and put them inside his home, as he says that They were still good beans!

The next night, however, he discovered the same tower of beans on his porch. Except this time, there was a note attached.
Brodie gave this note to the authorities, who have since told us that it read as follows:

Since you have taken the beans, it means that you are fan of beans. Take these beans if you believe yourself
to be a true fan of beans.
This is truly a chilling note.

Brodie, afraid of what might happen if he took the beans, decided to leave them. He says now, however, that this was a
mistake. The next morning he says that he found a note on his doorstep that read:

Because you have decided not to accept the beans, you have been given the bean curse.
Brodie says that he was terribly frightened, as the note did not elaborate further. However, it would soon become apparent
what the note meant. Brodie has been receiving a box full of beans on his porch every day. It's too many beans! he says.
The local food drives won't accept any more beans because they say I've given them too many! It feels wasteful to throw
them away, but my basement is filled from top to bottom with cans of beans!

His problems did not end there, however. Brodie says that a few days later, his water began to smell suspiciously of beans,
a smell that he was able to quickly recognize because his house is being slowly consumed by beans. After some quick testing,
he realized that his water had been replaced with the juice found inside the cans of Green Giant's green beans.

Brodie's mental health is quickly deteriorating, and he is now seeking therapy. It's awful. I feel like I can't live my life
anymore. These cursed beans have taken over my house. And the water--it's horrendous! Everytime I shower I smell like beans and
I get all sticky. People ask me why I smell like beans, and I can't get a word out before I breakdown crying. It's really awkward;
most people just kinda walk away after watching me cry for a minute or two. It's no use trying to get rid of them. More just show up
every day. I've tried ignoring the cans, but sometimes I swear I can hear them talk to me.

As always, if you have any information, please contact the authorities immediately. We still do not know who is doing this.

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